Membership Form

Sunapee-Kearsarge Intercommunity Theatre
Annual Membership

After filling out the membership form, you can use the PayPal buttons below to send membership payment to SKIT.

    Your email address helps save postage costs. It is for SKIT correspondence and will not be shared.
    To help S.K.I.T. save postage and some trees; we will send the newsletter via e-mail.

    (Membership levels of friend and above are listed in the programs for all productions during the membership year.)

    Production CoordinatorDirectorStage ManagerMusic DirectorAccompanistChoreographerPerformerSet DesignSet ConstructionSet PaintingLightingSoundTicketsCostumesMakeupHospitalityFundraisingNewsletterPlay ReadingPublicityPropsMusicianSKIT Board

    Youth Membership $5
    [wp_paypal button=”cart” target=”_blank” name=”Youth Membership” amount=”5.00″]

    Single Membership $15
    [wp_paypal button=”cart” target=”_blank” name=”Single Membership” amount=”15.00″]

    Family Membership $25
    [wp_paypal button=”cart” target=”_blank” name=”Family Membership” amount=”25.00″]

    Friend of SKIT Membership $35
    [wp_paypal button=”cart” target=”_blank” name=”Friend of SKIT Membership” amount=”35.00″]

    For other membership payment amounts, use the donate button or contact