Past Shows and Events

The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon: 2023

43rd Street: 2022

Turning Toward the Sun: 2021

The Odd Couple: 2019

Much Ado About Nothing: 2019

Towards Zero: 2018

Looking over the President's Shoulder: 2018

The Red Velvet Cake War: 2018

Songs and Tales of World War One: 2017

A Civil War Journey of a New Hampshire Patriot: 2016

Directors: Dave Munn and Judy Thackaberry

Music Director: Susan Cancio-Bello

Stage Manager: Becky Bryson

Costumes: Joanna Magoon

Set Design: Abby McCoy

Program: Alice Perry

Publicity: Judy Lowe and Charley Frieberg

Tickets: Don Boxwell and Jack Tate

Props: Kendra West-Senor

Lights: Peter Sweatt

Singers: Willie Bacote, Brade and Jane Brewer, Susan Cancio-Bello, Jonathon Fowler, Dave Munn, Nina Rogers, Jesse Schust, Judu Thackaberry, George West, Helen Wickham

Narrator:Bob Bussey

Robert Townsend: Dan Stadden

Sarah Townsend: Suzi Brown Sicard

Henry Townsend: Jonathon Glidewell

Martha Townsend: Ella Bryson

John Bergstrom: Ron Bryson

Colonel Simon Griffin: Mark Farrar

Sergeant Thomas: Ethan Thompson

Lt. Harold Fischer: Chris Pierce

Emily Bartlett: Lily Magoon

Fanny Bartlett: Molly Reed

Daniel Horace: Michael T. Brown

Soldier 1: Sean Roukey

Soldier 2: Suzanne Ricard

Townspeople: Roukey Family

Live Suspense Theater featuring: Dragnet, The Bickersons & My Dear Niece: 2016

Directors: Judy Lowe and Martha J. Bristol

Cast Gerry Taylor, Doug Ryder, Charley Freiberg, Dave Bettoney, Judy Thackberry, Suzanna Sicard, Nina Rogers, Helen Wickham, George West, Bob Bussey, Dave Munn, Bud Dick, Noel and Susan Cusack.

Hapenny Magick: 2015

Directors: Jennifer Carson, William Ogmundson
Hapenny Magick
Young Maewyn 1: Mara Ferren
Young Maewyn 2: Chloe Ogmundson
Maewyn: Lily Magoon
Serena Bridgepost: Melody Blake and Cindy Clausen
Narrator: Katie Dailey
Gelbane: Gillian Shannon and Linda Lambert
Leif: Raven Carson
Reed: Bretton Perkins
Callum: David Munn
Aletta: Judy Thackaberry
Aletta as Pig: Izabel Korbet
Remy: Emma Geraghty
Remington Gythal: Edward Stowell
Taureck: Sohpie Lizotte
Nord: Jay Lambert
Mrs. Burrbridge: Heather Perkins
Ms. Whiteknoll, Louisliu: Natalie Dill
River Weed Starr: Jow Merullo
Mrs. Underhill: Lauri-ann Smerald
Little Pigs: Ella Bryson, Quinlan Ferran, Mara Ferren
Widow Bridgepath: Kendra West-Senor
Raven Guardians: Izabel Korbet, Mara Ferren, Ella Bryson and Chloe Ogmundson
Hapenny Chorus: Melody Blake, Kathleen Stowell, Cindy Clausen, Justin Ferren, Aaron Carson, Lauri-ann Smerald
Troll chorus: Ronnie Bryson, Rachel Dill, Izabel Korbet, Evalynn Larose, Celeste Arbaca, Ava Arbaca, Diana Arbica, Terri Pitta, Bella Pitta, Judy Lowe
Toadstools: Ella Bryson, Ema Geraghty, Chloe Ogmundson,Bretton Perkins, Mara Ferren

The Best of Burt: 2015

Vintage Hitchcock (A Live Radio Play): 2014

Directors: Judy Lowe, Charley Freiberg

The Lodger
Announcer: Gerry Taylor
Newsboy: Shane Boucher
Ellen: Melody Blake
Robert, Mr. Cannot: Joe Reidy
Sleuth: Charlie Krajewski
Daisy: Suzanna Brown
Coroner, Ticket Sales: Rick Watts

Announcer: Patricia Rogers
Ted: Rick Watts
Winnie: Camila Devlin
Verloc: Ton Tuthill
Talbot, Bus Collector, Patron: David Almond
Stevie, Newsboy: Shane Boucher
Vladmir, Hollingshead: Charlie Krajewski
Salesman, Waiter, Officer: Charley Freiberg
Professor: Gerry Taylor
Renee: Suzanna Brown
Mrs. Jones, Ticket Seller: Helen Wickham
Unsatisfied Customer: Grace Cohen
Operator #1: Bonnie Lewis
Operator #2: Melody Blake
Power Plant #1, Power Plant #2, Patron #1, Ted’s Boss: Joe Reidy
Woman on bus with puppy: Brooke Solomon
Jingle Singers: Kendra West-Senor, Melody Blake, Helen Wickham

39 Steps
Stage Manager, Man on Aberdeen Express, Alfred, Policeman #1: Tom Tuthill
Announcer: Camila Devlin
Mr. Memory, Man on Aberdeen Express, Policeman #2, George the Butler: Charlie Krajewski
Manager: Bonnie Lewis
Woman in Music Hall, Innkeeper: Grace Cohen
Man in Music Hall, Driver: David Almond
Hannay: Gerry Taylor
Annabella: Melody Blake
Conductor, Professor Bartlett: Joe Reidy
Pamela: Suzanna Brown
Newsboy: Shane Boucher
Doctor, Ticket Merchant: Helen Wickham
Detective, Joe: Rick Watts
Waitress, Usherette, Cigarette Girl: Broke Solomon

Sound Effects: Bonnie Lewis, Amy Freidenberg, Carol Olsen, Peter Sweatt, Kendra West-Senor, Helen Wickham

Producers: Wally Borgen, Bonnie Lewis, Kendra West-Senor
Stage Manager: Jim Murphy
Sound: Charley Freiburg, Jim Murphy
Program: Alice Perry
Publicity: Linda Lambert
Tickets: Don Boxwell, Jack Tate
Assisted by: Heidi Leighton, Dave Munn
Music: Tom Tuthill (Keyboard), David Almond (“Bates Motel Jingle”), Kendra West-Senor (“North By Northwest Jingle”)

37 Postcards

Director: Judy Lowe

Evelyn Sutton: Kendra West-Senor
Aunt Ester: Alice Perry
Avery Sutton: Eric Harbeck Jr.
Gillian Moore: Suzanna Brown
Nana: Dot Young
Stanford P Sutton: Doug Ryder
Skippy: Scruffy

Assistant Director: Marta J Bristol
Producer: Kendra West-Senor
Assistant Producer: Martha J Bristol
Stage Manager: Jim Murphy
Assistant Stage Manager: Martha J Bristol
Lighting: Jim Murphy
Sound: Jim Murphy
Costumes: Kendra West-Senor, Nina Rogers
Set Design: Judy Lowe
Master Builder: Jamie Morgan
Assisted by: Charley Freiberg, Bonnie Lewis, David Morgan, Dave Munn, Cast Members
Posters: Charley Freiburg
Program: Alice Perry
Photography: Charley Freiberg
Properties: Judy Lowe, Kendra West-Senor, Cast Members
Publicity: Judy Lowe
Tickets: Don Boxwell, Jack Tate, Morgan Hill Bookstore
House Managers: Don Boxwell, Jack Tate
Ushers: SKIT and Outing Club Members
Outing Club Liaison: Carter Bascom

SKITbits: 20 Years of Memories: 2013

final final poster

Gershwin: 2011

Narrator/soloist: Linda Lambert
French Maid/Company Understudy: Bonnie Lewis
Special Guest: Nina Rogers

Alice Field
Charley Freiberg
Brittany Martell-Harris
Jack Tate
Lauri Smerald
Julian Leach
Patricia Trader
Kevin Tarleton
Ellen Wassell
Jay Lambert
Kendra West-Senor
Thomas Tuthill

Director: Don Boxwell
Music Director: Susan Cancio-Bello
Stage Manager: Martha Bristol
Tech crew: Jim Murphy
Musicians: Susan Cancio-Bello, Dave Cook, Andy Bourke and Nola Aldrich

Spoon River Anthology: 2010

Partnering with Colby-Sawyer College Fine & Performing Arts Dept.

Director: Joshua M. Galligan
Scenery and Lighting Designer: Michael Lovell
Costume Designer: Deborah Barton

Actor One: Charley Freiburg
Actress One: Alice Field
Actor Two: Kevin Tarleton
Actress Two: Bonnie Lewis
Actor Three: Travis Carlson
Actress Three: Megan Ruggiero
Actor Four: Jay Lambert
Actress Four: Margaret McCarthy
Actress Five: Kayla Pingree

Production Team
Stage Manager: Alexandra Merrill-Lovett
Production Assistant: Genevieve Lockerby
Technical Director: Michael Lovell
Film Design: Joseph Delaney
Sound Editing: Michael Landi, Kayla Pingree
Production Coordinator: Bill Egge
Assistant to the Director: Charles Moak
Costume Assistants: Cynthia Driver, Annalisa Giglio
Technical Crew: Kimberly Arena, David Brackett, Travis Carlson, Peter Edson, Annalisa Giglio, PJ Hammerle, Katherine Kelly, Alexandra Merrill-Lovett, Megan Perry, Jonathon Roche, Carly Strathdee, Devin Wilkie
Graphic Design: Michael Lepore, GDSA
Photography: Charley Freiberg, Amanda Rossi
Publicity: Ed Germar, Bill Egge, Linda Lambert, Kimberly Slover

Pride and Prejudice: 2009

Partnering with Colby-Sawyer College Fine & Performing Arts Dept.

Director: Deborah Barton

Mr. Bennet: Charley Freiberg
Mrs. Bennet: Linda A. Lambert
Jane: Abbie Morse
Elizabeth: Suzanna Brown
Mary: Christine Wertz
Catherine: Paula McKinley
Lydia: Rose Poney
Mr. Collins: Charles Moak
Mr. Bingley: Christopher McCarthy
Miss Bingley: Margaret McCarthy
Mr. Darcy: John (Jaycee) McCarthy
Lady Catherine De Bourg: Bonnie Lewis
Lady Lucas: Heather Jacques
Charlotte: Kayleigh Flynn
Mr. Wickham: Joseph Delaney
Hill: Kayla Pingree

Scenery and Lighting Designer: Michael Lovell
Costume Designer: Joshua M. Galligan
Production Stage Manager: Jay Lambert
Assistant Stage Manager: Meghan Hardiman, Katherine Kelly
Technical Director: Michael Lovell
Light Board Operator: Lynn Williams
Sound Board Operator: Michael Bacote
Production Coordinator: Bill Egge
Assistant to the Director: Naomi Lavertue
Costume Assistants: Cynthia Driver, Annalisa Giglio, Nina Rogers
Set Construction/Paint: Michael Bacote, Jay Braatz, Suzanna Brown, Travis Carlson, Bill Egge, Richard Egge, Nancy Emont, Seth Emont, Charley Freiberg, Andrew Francis, Hester Fuller, PJ Hammerle, Katherine Kelly, Michael Landi, Naome Lavertue, Bonnie Lewis, Christopher McCarthy, Kameron Mertz, Charles Moak, Abbie Morse, Samantha Parent, Mary Jean Romano, Cody Scherer, Adele Warner
Properties: Kimberly Arena, PJ HAmmerle, Samantha Parent, Megan Ruggiero, Cole Subik, Alex Washburn
Hair/Makeup Assistants: Lydia Guion, Julie Slack
Graphic Design: Alicia Foss
Photographer: Amanda Rossi
Publicity: Jay Lambert, Linda Lambert, Kimberly Slover

Ancestral Voices: 2009

Director: David Cleveland

Saturday Performance
Eddie: Adam Walton
Jane: Alice Field
Harvey: Kevin Tarleton
Grandmother: Adele Warner
Grandfather: Bud Dick

Sunday Performance
Eddie: Adam Walton
Jane: Ellen Wassell
Harvey: Charley Freiberg
Grandmother: Wally Borgen
Grandfather: David Almond

Sorry, Wrong Number (Radio Theatre): 2009

The Curious Savage: 2008

Partnering with Warner Men’s Club and Warner Woman’s Club

Director: Mary Morris


The Guests
Florence: Alice Field
Hannibal: Charley Freiberg
Fairy May: Ellen Wassell
Jeffrey: Mike Gregory
Mrs. Paddy: Alice Perry

The Family
Titus: Bill Conner
Samuel: Georg Edelmann
Lily Belle: Cole Subik
Ethel: Bonnie Lewis

The Staff
Miss Wilhelmina: Brenda Balenger
Dr. Emmett: Doug Ryder

Beguiled Again: 2008

Partnering with Sutton Historical Society

Director: Don Boxwell

Musical Director: Susan Cancio-Bello

Brenda Balenger
Tiffany Barnes
Wally Borgen
Carlton Bradford
Jessica Carmichael
Alice Field
Patti Lacroix
Jay Lambert
Linda Lambert
Bonnie Lewis
Nina Rogers
Doug Ryder
Vickie Schubert
Lauri-Ann Smerald
Cole Subik
Jack Tate
Adele Warner

Susan Cancio-Bello
Nola Aldrich
Erika Cancio-Bello
Lyle Schubert

Beguiled Again, 2008
Beguiled Again, 2008

365 Days, 365 Plays: 2007

The Pirate's Curse (Radio Theatre): 2007

A Colby-Sawyer Senior Capstone Project

Director: Lauri Baudanza

Narrator: Charley Frieberg
Dona Teresa: Caitlin Waltzer
Captain Neville: Jay Lambert
Conquistador: Doug Ryder
Mr. Baptiste: Rick Roberts
Host: Debra Morgan
Catalina: Adele Warner
Smollet: Tom Maloof
Lookout: Caleb Parsons
Pompey: Pat Anderson
Captain Cruz: William Egge
Pedro: Judy Lowe
Commercial Break Spokespeople & Walla Walla: Carol Ryder, Alicia Harris
Sound Effects, Sailors:  Alice Field, Linda A. Lambert, Brenda Balenger
Pirates, Townspeople: Bonnie Lewis, Cody Scherer

Dangerous Intersections: 2006

Speaking in Tongues: 2006

NHCTA Festival

Director: Mary Morris

Mo Demers
Alice Field
Charley Freiberg
Mike Gregory
Bonnie Lewis

Our Town: 2006

Partnering with Andover Historical Society & Friends of New London Hospital

Director: David Cleveland

Stage Manager: Mary Morris
Dr. Gibbs: Doug Ryder
Joe Crowell: Canon Brownell
Howie Newsome: Pete Miller/Chuck Schubert*
Mrs. Gibbs: Tricia Tilley
Mrs. Webb: Linda A. Lambert
George Gibbs: Adam Walton
Rebecca Gibbs: Brooke Solomon/Emma Tilley
Wally Webb: Dylan Miller/Chris Schubert*
Emily Webb: Kati Fitzgerald
Lizzie: Charis Selleck
Lois: Mary Field
Ben: Cody Scherer
Professor Willard: Alice Perry
Mr. Webb: Jay Lambert
Woman in Balcony: Irene Jewett
Man in Auditorium/Mr. Morgan: Jim Goody
Lady in Box: Mary Demers
Mrs. Forrest: Judy Lowe
Simon Stimson: Charley Freiberg
Mrs. Soames: Alice Field
Constable Warren: Bill Egge
Si Crowell: Jared Sellick/Butch Bolger*
Samantha Craig: Ashley Grace**/Judy Lowe*
Josephine Stoddard: Laurie Reeder
Julia Gibbs: Rette Solomon

*July production only

**Understudy for Emily Webb – May production

Deborah Barton
Robert Jenson
David Cleveland
Cody Scherer
Martha Bristol
Alice Field
Mary Morris
Joyce Egge
Nina Rogers
Lynn Solomon
Joe Collins
Bonnie Lewis
Grace Stetson
Margie Leber
Donna Gatnarek
Jane Graham

Scenes From the Stage: Relationships: 2006

Director: Mary Morris

Chuck Ackroyd
Nancy Barry
Leah Burdick
Bill Conner
Mo Demers
Alice Field
Kati Fitzgerald
Charley Freiberg
Mike Gregory
Bonnie Lewis
Misty Mills

Alice Field
Mary Morris
Brandy Bitzer
Kendra West-Senor
Bon Boxwell
Jack Tate
Scott Brown
Joe Collins
Martha Bristol

All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: 2005

Partnering with Wilmot Historical Society

Wally Borgen
Bill Conner
Alice Field
Bonnie Lewis
Judy Lowe
Debra Morgan
Rick Roberts
Doug Ryder
Louis Sheldahl

Charley Freiberg
Mary Morris
Louis Sheldahl
Bonnie Lewis
Alice Field
Brandy Bitzer
Don Boxwell
Jack Tate
Missy Owen
Kendra West-Senor
Deborah Barton
Dotsi Eden
Pat Novak
Don Novak
Kate McKibbin

Curtain Call: 2004

Director: Deborah Barton

Val Marshall: Elizabeth Dabrowski
Alec Partridge: Tom Tuthill
Lulu Lynchpin: Kate Dabrowski
Doreta Mason: Ellen Wassell
Murphy: Charley Freiberg
Rita: Bonnie Lewis
Ms. Murdstone: Martha Bristol
Clarence Mason: George Beck

Missy Owen
Jane Graham
Deborah Barton
Ellen Wassell
Charley Freiberg
Nina Rogers
Liz Dabrowski
Kate Dabrowski
Dick Cogswell
Chip Fisher
Brandy Bitzer
Mike Mooney
Mary Morris
Tom Tuthill
Wally Borgen
Dotsi Eden
Adrian Pelletier
Kendra West-Senor
Linda Lambert
Lisa Eaton
Don Boxwell

The Melody Lingers On: 2004

Partnering with The Steven Mendelson Memorial Scholarship Fund

Nola Aldrich
Alex Barton
Wally Borgen
David Cook
Meg Cowan
Dotsi Eden
Alice Field
Charley Freiberg
Edna Green
Jay Lambert
Linda A. Lambert
Bonnie Lewis
Missy Owen
Joni Punderson
Nina Rogers
Lyle Schubert
Vickie Schubert
Kendra West-Senor
Lauri-Ann Smerald
Jack Tate
Thomas Tuthill
Jane Graham as Narrator

The Cemetery Club: 2003

Partnering with Pine Hill Cemetery Association

Director: Martha Bristol

Ida: Judy Lowe
Lucille: Mary Morris
Doris: Bonnie Lewis
Sam: Charley Freiberg
Mildred: Meg Cowan

Dotsi Eden
Bonnie Lewis
Charley Freiberg
Mary Morris
Kendra West-Senor
Nancy Edwards Cogswell
Debra Morgan
Joan Saunders
Meg Cowan
Darlene Delano
Loretta Rayno
Linda A. Lambert
Lauren Bray
Deb Baese
Nina Rogers
Brandy Bitzer
Chip Fisher
Don Boxwell
Jack Tate
John Walford
Charles H. Massey

Holiday Carols: 2002

The Art of Dining: 2002

Director: Adele Warner

Ellen: Bonnie Lewis
Cal: Charley Freiberg
Hannah: Ellen Croteau
Paul: Michael Beaulieu
Elizabeth: Meg Cowan
Herrick: Trisha Berkov
Nessa: Martha Bristol
Toni: Linda A. Lambert
David: Greg Gutgsell

Audrey Clarkson
Don Boxwell
Jack Tate
Jay Lambert
Ellen Croteau

The Bone Ring: 2001

Partnering with Wilmot Historical Society & SKIT Scholarship Fund

Director: Don Boxwell

Andrew Hunt: Dwight Erickson
Lucy Potter: Linda Lambert
Samuel Potter: Jack Tate
Andy: Patrick McGranaghan
Washington Woodward: Jay Lambert
Cedric & Billy Blasington: Steven Daigle

Dotsi Eden
Bonnie Lewis
Martha Bristol
Jane Graham
Jack Tate
Edie Garner
Kendra West-Senor
Adele Warner
Brian Prescott
Julian Leach
Brandy Bitzer
Robin Reed
Don Novak
Debra Horning
Maggie Bradford
Carlton Bradford
Ellie Wall
Brenda Shapiro
Jerry Karr

Yuletide Traditions: 2000

The Final Story: 2000

A Grand Night for Singing: 1999

Partnering with Kearsarge Area Council on Aging

Director: Jane Graham & Mel Regnell

Deb Baese
Tanya Erno
Edna Greene
Joni Punderson
Mel Regnell
Jay Lambert
Julian Leach
Peter Phippen
Eric Regnell
Nils Regnell

Steven Mendelson
Jane Graham
Norman Leger
Brandy Bitzer
Deb Baese
Dotsi Eden
Gordon Hamilton
Joan Bridges
Eric Rengell
Don Boxwell
Adele Warner
Jack Tate

Dorothy Westwater
Nat Hamilton
Matt Young
Nick Eaton

Odd Couple: 1998

The Drunkard: 1998

Partnering with Young People’s Music Foundation

Directors: Don Boxwell & Dorothy Westwater

Mrs. Wilson: Adele Warner
Mary Wilson: Kendra West-Senor
Lawyer Cribs: Jack Tate
Edward Middleton: Mike Beaulieu
William Dowton: Nils Regnell
Agnes Dowton: Debra Buckley
Preacher/Bartender: Julian Leach
Julia Middleton: Bonnie Lewis
Salvation Army Leader: Mel Regnell
Salvation Army Solider: Brenda Shapiro
Wedding Guest: Nat Hamilton
Wedding Guest: Gordon Hamilton

Dotsi Eden
Deobrah Barton
Melissa Rood
Becky Bense
Jack Tate
Michael Potter
Gordon Hamilton
Nat Hamilton
Bonnie Lewis
Nils Regnell
Jerry Karr
Kendra West-Senor
Brandy Bitzer
Eric Regnell
Brian Prescott
Olivia Dorr
Edie Garner

Curtains; I'm Herbert: 1997

Partnering with Lake Sunapee Mediation Program

Director: Mel Regnell

Curtains Cast
Brian Prescott
Greg Gutgsell
Deb Baese

I’m Herbert Cast
Julian Leach
Dotsi Eden

The Autograph Hound: 1997

SKIT returned to the NHCTA competition in 1997 with “The Autograph Hound”, a dark farce about a woman’s addiction to the autographs of famous people. Exquisitely played by the cast, SKIT walked away with two best-actor awards for the show: one for Adele Warner and one for first-time actor Michael Beaulieu.

Yuletide Traditions: 1996

Next: 1996

Egad, The Woman in White: 1996

Partnering with Sutton Historical Society

Director: Adele Warner

Sir Percival Glyde: Jack Tate
Dor: Nicolette Vallandigham
Countess Fosc: Martha Bristol
Lawyer Gilmore: William Harrold
Mrs. Catherick: Meg Cowan
Fredericka Fairlee: Bonnie Lewis
Marian: Debra Buckley
Laura: Debra Horning
Walter Hartwright: Brian Prescott
Miss Peach: Dotsi Eden

Ellie Norris
Deb Baese
Don Boxwell
Brenda Shapiro
Steven Mendelson
Mel Regnell
Deb Barton
Dotsi Eden
Jack Tate
Edie Garner
Eric Regnell
Nils Regnell

Yuletide Traditions: 1995

Partnering with Kearsarge Region Food Bank

Producer: Dotsi Eden
Narrator : Judy Wallace
Programs: Edie Garner
Lights: Eric Regnel

Cole: 1995

Partnering with Kearsarge Area Council on Aging

Director: Don Boxwell

Deb Baese
Carlton Bradford
Ron Beaudet
Susan Hastings
Cindy Johnson
Nils Regnell
Jack Tate
Nancy Tripp
Kendra West-Senor

William Harrold
Dotsi Eden
Edie Garner
Martha Bristol
Adele Warner
Jane Graham
Eric Regnell
Richard Riedel

Ruth Sisson
David Cook
Melanie Deshaies
Nick Eaton
Mel Regnell

Musica: 1995

Partnering with Lake Sunapee Region Visiting Nurse Association 

Director: Mel Regnell & Missy Owen

Alexandra de Grande: Deb Baese
Carmen Magnifico: Debra Buckley
Fabio Passionata: Steve Daigle
Opus Fol-del-Rol: Greg Johnson
Fool: Eric Regnell
Whim: Katryn Baker
Frenzy: Jessie Schlosser
Concert Master: Hugh Daigle
Boy: Ryan Bradicich

Deb Baese
Ashley Smith
Bonnie Lewis
Martha Bristol
Sharon Baker
Rosina Johnson
Steve Mendelson
Jim Von Vett
Don Boxwell
Rich Riedel
Ken Cowan
Scot Schuler
Nils Regnell
Jack Tate
Eric Regnell
Joni Punderson
Brenda Shapiro
Jeff Daigle
Faith Sawyer
Dotsi Eden

Dzintars Alksnitis
Nick Alksnitis
Don Boxwell
Julie Bodnarik
Ashley Bradicich
Krystal Bradicich
Lois Bradicich
Martha Bristol
Justin Buckley
Marshall Burns
Meg Cowan
Dotsi EdenKate Edmundson
Amelia Gardner
Erika Hokanson
Chloe Horning
Debra Horning
Bree Johnson
Hannah Johnson
Jay Lambert
Linda A. Lambert
Bonnie Lewis
Meghan MacLean
Devon MarshallMissy Owen
Graham Pelleteri
Joni Punderson
Mel Regnell
Nils Regnell
Scot Schuler
Amanda Sebring
Kate Shea
Ryan Sturgis
Scott Sweatt
Jack Tate
Kendra West-Senor

The Ragman: 1995

In keeping with SKIT’s goal to remain an integral part of the communities it serves, SKIT presented “The Ragman”, a spiritual reading at the Ecumenical Easter service at Saint Andrew’s Church in New London. Directed by Cindy Johnson and delivered by Peter Phippen, it was a moving and well-received piece.

Face on the Barroom Floor: 1995

Partnering with Friends of Wilmot Public Library & The Wilmot Garden Club

Director: Adele Warner

Annie Quackenbush: Jane Graham
Madelaine Mockinbird: Debra Horning
Chick Dogtemper: Nils Regnell
Herbie Rainwater: Ken Cowan
Dusty Rhodes: Jim Draper
Mrs. VanCleve: Kay Ware Draper
Little Gloria: Bonnie Lewis
Jack Goodhart: Brian Prescott
Bella Yukon: Linda A. Lambert
Fatima: Meg Cowan
Roderick Rodent: Jay Lambert
Judge Fleesum: Jack Tate
Strange Lady: Brenda Shapiro
Theda Swansong: Martha J. Bristol

You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown: 1995

Partnering with Warner Children’s Group, Artist in Residency Program & Newport Elementary Schools

Director: Norman Leger

Charlie Brown: Steve Daigle
Lucy: Debra Buckley
Patty: Hollee Becker
Snoopy: Laurie Buchar
Schroeder: Bill Harrold
Linus: Doug Windsor

Deb Baese
Ellie Norris
Martha Bristol
Mel Regnell
Sylvia Johnson
Ruth Sisson
Missy Owen
Greg Leger
Jim Green
Kathy Green
Jim Amweg
Adele Warner
Judy Wallace
Winnie DeMille
Hastings Rigollet
Gayle Irick
Dave Doran
Jack Tate
Don Boxwell
Steven Mendelson
Jay Lambert
Linda A. Lambert
Dotsi Eden
Doug Windsor
John Sargent

Barefoot in the Park: 1994

Partnering with New London Outing Club

Director: Norman Leger

Corrier Bratter: Meg Cowan
Telephone Repair Man: Jim Amweg
Delivery Person: Olivia Dorr
Paul Bratter: Matt Sarles
Corie’s Mother, Mrs. Banks: Judith Wallce
Victor Velasco: David Doran

Dotsi Eden
Kay Butler
Steven Mendelson
Adele Warner
James Phennicie
Ben Barton
Jack Tate
Don Boxwell
Kathy Green
Norman Leger
Diane M. Parsons
Elizabeth Williams
Ellie Norris
Elaine Doran
Martha Bristol
Jim Green
Barry Wright
Edith Garner
Cheryl Powell

A Christmas Memory: 1994

Partnering with Kearsarge Region Food Bank

Director: Don Boxwell

Narrator: Julian Leach
Friend (Sook): Judith Wallace
Buddy: Brad Landers
First Relative: Jack Tate
Second Relative: Adele Warner

Dotsi Eden
Jane Graham
Steve Mendelson
Adele Warner
Deborah Barton
Diane Parsons
Jack Tate

Yuletide Traditions: 1993

Partnering with Lake Sunapee Area Food Bank

Directors: Dotsi Eden, Adele Warner, Mel Regnell

Ruth Sisson
Ellie Norris
Adele Warner
Martha Bristol
Steven Mendelson

Flute: Becky Rice
Oboe: Jody Wilson
Synthesizer: Chris Scarpino

Adult Choir
Don Boxwell
Deb Callas
Edie Daigle
Steve Daigle
Sylvia Johnson
Mel Regnell
Nils Regnell
Jack Tate

Children’s Choir
Nick Alksnitis
Katy Baker
Hugh Daigle
Jeff Daigle
Carolyne Lobacz
Eric Regnell
Jeff Walford
Travis Zuber

Greg Gutgsell
Cheryl Powell
Brooke Wobbe
Christina Wobbe
Oliver Wobbe










